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Break your HABIT

without breaking a sweat!

Let's unleash the power of your subconscious mind to bridge the gap from where you are now to where you deserve to be. Take that 1st step and ask me how.

Why does it seem so easy to learn a bad habit? All it takes is one or two good experiences doing something bad, for it to become almost permanent.


Why is it so difficult to learn a good habit? It takes forever to take hold, lots of repetition, a lot of self-discipline and energy.


Why is it so difficult to unlearn a bad habit? Does it really take 28 days?


Why is it so easy to unlearn a good habit? It seem to take only two to three experiences where you lowered your guard, and WHAM! it's gone forever!


We seem to just be wired that way. Our brain chemistry and psychological make-up conspire against us and give our Good Intentions an easy one-two knock-out. It's like we're going into the fight with our hands tied behind our backs.


Until you unlock the power of your subconscious mind, and your imagination. Continuing on the fighting analogy, it's kind of like, untying your hands behind your back and standing a fighting chance. So that's step one. And in step two, let's add into the mix, perseverance, motivation, and drive, and you strike your habit a deadly blow - all without even breaking a sweat!

For a Free 30min Strategy call, contact me at:
+1 (437) 230-2778
or complete the form below:

What is an example of what the research says about hypnosis or meditation to break habits?

"Aversion and hypnosis combined. Smoking cessation:


After the 2-wk. program, 92% of the men and 90% of the women reported abstinence; and at 3-mo. follow-up, 86% of the men and 87% of the women reported continued abstinence."

Johnson, D. L., & Karkut, R. T. (1994).
Performance By Gender In A Stop-Smoking Program Combining Hypnosis And Aversion.
Psychological Reports, 75(2), 851-857.

Answer me this?

If a controlled study, in a clinical setting, can provide these phenomenal results for one of the most usual and hard habits, just imagine how much better the results are for your habit could be? It's surely, a no-brainer!

And how much better will your results be, if our work is tailored to you, as opposed to a cookie-cutter clinical approach?


Let's schedule a one-on-one session right now. Complete the form below

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© 2020 - 2023 Woodbridge Hypnosis.     +1 (437) 230-2778

While hypnosis or meditation are powerful modalities for personal change, it is not a cure-all for each and every affliction known to man. Neither is it necessarily a good fit for you in your personal circumstances. The services offered on this website should not be construed to be medical advice and not any guarantee to the contrary of the aforementioned. Further, where hypnosis, meditation or any of the exercises and serviced offered on this website is, in your view, a good fit for you, note that the results vary from person to person based on their personal circumstances. Lastly, hypnosis and meditation and the information presented on this website and/or included in any email correspondence  from an email account bearing the name are not meant to diagnose or treat any disease, but rather it is intended to provide information, education, and motivation that will help you live to your best potential and guide you toward being more effective in helping yourself.

MUSIC used in videos © / The Cynic Project.

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