Science of Hypnosis – Deeper Dive FAQ
What is too much and what is too little self-hypnosis? What is too many or too few hypnosis sessions? How many sessions per day or per week or month is right?
Once a day is good. Especially at the beginning when you just start out on this journey. More than that would not be sustainable but there’s no harm in aiming for more than that. It’s like any other skill; the more you do it, the better you will get at it.
Once a week is good enough in most cases, even for difficult habits and patterns that you want to break and swap out for more positive habits and thought processes. Every session compounds the positive effects of the sessions before that, and you keep chipping away at, and polishing, this new you.
It’s a lot like working a muscle, and going to the gym once a day is best for building new muscle and gaining new levels of strength while once a week is great to maintain the strength and muscle gains that you developed already. Once you want to switch your focus to a new muscle, you’ll revert back to more frequent exercise that targets that muscle, until you built that out. After that, you can resettle back into your weekly rhythm.
But that’s where the similarities end. Because unlike with physical exercise, where your muscles would atrophy with too little exercise, once you established a new pattern of thought and behavior with self-hypnosis, it becomes permanent. It doesn’t break down the way muscles do with too little maintenance.
Here’s yet another difference with the analogy: You can replace an established pattern of thought and behavior with another, and sometimes even unintentionally. So, self-hypnosis once a month to maintain the positive attitudes and attributes of your subconscious mind, would maintain your change easily.
Here’s what I mean in case I wasn’t clear: Everything about you, result from unconscious thought processes. Your mind is this big force of your nature and it is difficult to stop and change direction, especially if you’re caught up in a storm. All of that, what makes you, YOU, is the result of subconscious programming up to this point. Now think about it. You haven’t used hypnosis before now to deliberately program any of your thoughts and behaviors that you have now. No. Your mind has always had the ability to program itself on an unconscious level. So what I mean is, once you have established a new pattern of thought and behavior with self-hypnosis, it becomes permanent. Yes, it doesn’t break down the way muscles do with too little use. But, you should know that you can unintentionally replace an established pattern of thought like you have always been able to do, without knowing that it is what you do. This kind of programming is unintentional, and sometimes, do not give you the right results. So, self-hypnosis once a month to maintain the positive attitudes and attributes of your subconscious mind, would maintain your change easily, and prevent unintentional reprogramming from interfering with your desired outcome.
So here’s my advice, thanks for asking!
When you select a new goal to work on, practice self-hypnosis daily for a few days.
Then maintain the positive impact with a weekly refresher.
Your sessions would naturally reduce until you can safely revisit that goal only once a month. By that time, you would already have identified a new goal and started working towards that.
Consistency in how often you practice self-hypnosis, predicts your success more than the number of sessions per week does.
If you do this right, you will find a rhythm that works for you and that fits your lifestyle perfectly. Don’t over think this. You’ll see, you’ve got this!
Next FAQ: How Long Should Your Session Be?