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Science of Hypnosis – Deeper Dive FAQ

Would Distractions and Interruptions be BAD for Hypnosis? Is Hypnosis Dangerous? Will the Session be a Waste?


No it won’t be bad for hypnosis and it won't be bad for you, when this happens. But there’s good news and there’s bad news. 


The bad news first: The worst that can happen is that you get interrupted and you cannot complete the session. Which only means that you won’t get the full benefit you were after for that session. 


The good news is that whatever occurred before the interruption, would stick. So whatever programming went into it up to the point of the interruption, would stick, be done and dusted. 


There is a thing called “compounding” that we would discuss later, but in basic terms, much like with the concept of compound interest, the benefit that you get from a single positive suggestion increases when it is followed by a further suggestion. This happens even if the second suggestion is totally unrelated to the first suggestion. So maybe you won't get the full benefits you planned for the session, but at least it isn't a total waste!


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