A large percentage of North-Americans are not happy with their weight. In fact, of the nearly 40% of individuals who are considered to be overweight in the USA alone, according to AMA standards, nearly two thirds of them have tried to lose weight at some point in the past year. The overwhelming problem? Most of them failed.
Why is that? The answer is simple: Most people, when confronted with a need to change, try to do it all at once.
They make great big sweeping changes, hoping to see quick results, and then crash and burn when these changes don’t stick.
Or they go for life changing surgeries and hope for the best - and sometimes the gamble doesn't give them the healthy payoff they imagined for themselves and instead suffer the medical consequences for their choice. Many of these patients had medical conditions to start with, but sadly, not all of them had, and lifestyle rather than medical conditions drove their conditions.
The Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis Program may be a good fit for many. Where you learn to use the power of your mind to have great gains in a relatively quick period of time. This is not suitable for everyone. And can be considered perhaps as a second-to-last resort (where the physical medical intervention is possibly the last). I will be happy to discuss the process with you in detail, but that is not what I want to share with you today.
Because, what if you are not even close to that point yet where you need such a drastic measure, but you have a few pounds to lose, since you have a perfect outfit in mind that you just don't fit into (yet).
It’s where micro-habits succeed where huge resolutions fail.
Below is a list of quick, easy changes that will help you lose weight for good, without overwhelming you along the way. It's nothing that you haven't heard before. But I want to challenge you. Select 5 from the list below, and start doing it today. It's that simple. You can thank me later. If you tried those 5 and you still don't see the results you want, mix it up by selecting one or two others. And in the unlikely event that this doesn't seem to work for you well enough, then you may be a good candidate for a little mindset adjustment and I might just have the tools for what you need.
So, which of these would be your 5 quick and easy changes? Let me know in the comments and let's get the conversation started!

1. Drink water. Just that. Whenever you’re hungry, reach for that glass of water first. Most of the time what you’re mistaking for hunger is dehydration. And as a bonus, if you drink water instead of soda or juice, you'll drop your consumed calories as well. It really is that simple.

2. Watch your portions. Most people have no idea what an actual portion size is. Pay attention to your labels, and you’ll very quickly find out. For example, a serving of meat should be about the size of the palm of your hand. So no bigger than a pack of playing cards. By eating the recommended serving size, you’ll find yourself taking in a whole lot less than you used to – and feeling much better as a result. And here's a hint: If you tend to go back to bigger portion sizes, it may suggest that you need a mindset shift, because you may be eating for emotional reasons more than just for the love of food.

3. Bring lunch from home. When you pack your lunch, you can create a healthy alternative to fast food or vending machine lunches. What’s extra nice? The money you’ll save by not eating out. Plus, you can plan for better balance. And better balance means better health and better health brings more happiness, never less.

4. Put that fork down! By laying down your fork between bites you eat slower and digest better. You’ll also fill up faster through eating less. And when your body lets you know that you've pleasantly had enough, don't feel that you're wasting food if you push your plate aside. You can have it for lunch tomorrow! And if that is not something you'd have for lunch, or maybe it isn't even enough for lunch, you seriously should consider disposing of it in a way that does NOT go to waste on your waistline. Chances are, if you're reading this, you're pretty sick of your waste-line, aren't you?

5. Quit multitasking at mealtime. Doing something else while eating is a great way not to notice how much food you’re putting into your mouth. You're distracted. You're in a kind of trans. Meaning you're eating as if you are a hypnotized zombie. So instead, be in the moment. Savor the taste of every bite. By paying attention to each bite. You’ll wind up enjoying your meals more, while eating just enough to fuel your body. If you no longer eat because you need that next bite to fuel for your body, then why are you taking another absentminded bite?
(Photo by Zak Neilson on Unsplash)

6. Snack smarter. Don’t just pack a lunch that is balanced and healthy, also plan better around a healthier midday snack. This makes that healthier choice worlds easier. And plan your evening snacking better by stocking on healthy alternatives. This makes it impossible to snack on the wrong things when your metabolism winds down for the day, which means whatever you would have snacked on, would have been stored as body fat.

7. Sleep! No, not now, no hypnosis goes into this (yet). On a serious note, not getting enough sleep not only puts your hormones out of balance, but you wind up eating for energy to keep alert and active. Adequate rest at night solves all that.

Let's take a poll and find out which of these 7 quick and easy wins make the top favorites!
Your 5 Most Favored Are..?
1. Drink More Water!
2. Better Food Portions!
3. Bring Healthy Lunch!
4. Put That Fork DOWN!
You can vote for more than one answer.
Micro-habits are just that – changes that are small but that affect big change. While there are dozens of things you can do to change your diet, it’s the small things that will stick. By making these and other small changes in your diet, you will find that losing weight is also easier than you ever thought possible.
What Next?
I am passionate about this topic of small changes with massive impact. If you want more tips on small changes that you can start in all sorts of places in your life, with practical steps on how to start and make it a success, click here for more information including a short first draft that started me on this writing journey, for free:
Or if you are more adventurous, I dare you to grab the 90 page fully fleshed out e-book here while it is on sale and take advantage of the 35% discount on it's release!
Until next time, keep those pounds off your plate and it will stay off your waist! I'm here to help, just ask me how. And in the meantime, check out my free audio program for phenomenal sleep while your subconscious mind works on your goal to shed unwanted pounds.